Wen-Wen is originally from Taiwan where she received her B.S. degree in Entomology and worked in Bio-control research for four years. She came to the United States in 1995 to earn her Masters Degree and fell in love with the benefits of Chinese medicine, specifically acupuncture. In 2000 she received her M.S. in Oriental Medicine from Samara University in Los Angeles, CA as well as certifications from the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, the California Acupuncture state board and NCCAOM.
Her love of the healing power of acupuncture has driven her to explore even more holistic ways to approach full body healing.
“When I started practicing Acupuncture 19 years ago, my idea was to treat my clients using the best holistic approach for the individual client. Over the last 10 years, the holistic approach to medicine has expanded into the mainstream healing modalities with close to one third of all households now exploring the natural healing approach. New techniques and practices have grown, and I felt that to be true to my vision of the personal healthcare approach for my clients, it was time for me to expand the practice as well and to include new holistic approaches for individual wellness.” ~ Winnie